World Class Interactive Webinars Congress.


Dr. Urvashi (Fowdar) Gunputh

Senior Researcher Additive Manufacturing, Institute for Innovation in Sustainable Engineering, United Kingdom

I am a Researcher and Lecturer in Additive Manufacturing at the University of Derby. I have a multidisciplinary background in Biomaterials, Nanomaterials, Medical Science and Biomedical Engineering. I received a PhD from Plymouth University and a Master’s with honours in Biomedical Engineering from Brunel University.

I am involved in, but not limited to, aerospace, healthcare and low carbon projects. Examples of my works are Additive Manufacturing of outlet guide vane (OGV) in IN718 using a Renishaw AM250, Lattice (Auxetic) parts design and 3d printing, Prototype development for sustainable tooling, Face Shield development for the Healthcare Industry, Ankle Foot Orthoses Design and Manufacture for the NHS.

Currently, I am also the Theme lead for Sustainable Materials, Design and Manufacturing for the ERDF DECarbonise project, whereby we support SMEs in the D2N2 region with the support in decarbonising their traditional manufacturing process. There are a few projects that we are doing in collaboration with IPPT PAN in Warsaw, Louisiana State University, UC3M in Madrid, MUT in Warsaw and Universite de Lorraine in France. The projects are mainly on the Additive Manufacturing and Machining of IN718. I am supervising 2 PhD students, one at the University of Derby and one based in the Universite de Lorraine. I am in the process of becoming a STEM Ambassador.